Understanding my 12 month old toddlers’ development

Having a baby is often described as a life changing event for people.

No two babies are the same. Every baby develops in its own unique way and time. Some learn new skills faster than others. Some prefer to take their own time and can’t be rushed.

Developmental milestones assist in monitoring your toddler’s development

As a parent, it can be difficult to know what is ‘normal’ and what is not. That is why we have developmental milestones to assist us in monitoring your toddler’s development.

How can developmental milestones help me understand my toddler’s development? 

Milestones help by letting you know the types of behaviours and skills your toddler may have developed by certain ages as they grow. They are typically grouped in categories. This article provides some of the milestones for a 12 month old toddler.

What are some movement and physical milestones my toddler may have developed? 

  • Can take a few steps without support
  • Gets into a sitting position without support
  • Pulls up to stand and walks while holding onto furniture

Tips for parents

  • Try placing your toddler on flat surfaces to help your toddler develop gross motor like skills like crawling and moving arms and legs

What are some of the brain development milestones my toddler may have developed? 

  • Copying movements and gestures
  • Bangs objects together
  • Drinks from a cup and uses other objects correctly
  • Responds to own name
  • Puts objects in containers and can take them out

Tips for parents

  • Give support and guidance to your toddler when they are playing a game
  • As you notice your toddler gaining skills and being able to do some things on their own, you can progressively reduce your support but still observe and guide them

What are some social and emotional milestones my toddler may have developed? 

  • Hands you a book when he/she wants to hear a story
  • Cries when parents leave
  • Is shy around strangers
  • Has favourite toys
  • Repeats sounds to get attention

Tips for parents

  • Play social games with your toddler like hiding something and coaxing him/her to find it
  • Try to get your toddler to help with getting dressed by asking them to put their leg out, stand up, etc

What are some language and communication milestones my toddler may have developed? 

  • Is using basic gestures like waving and saying basic words like “mama” and “dada”
  • Babbles sounds more like speech
  • Responds to simple requests you give
  • Will try to repeat words

Tips for parents

  • Encourage your toddler to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. Praise your toddler when they do so, as this can help their socio-emotional development
  • Praise your toddler when he/she repeats words or tires to speak with others
  • Prompt your toddler to point to characters and objects when you read to them

Remember, no two babies are the same and every baby develops in their own time.

You as a parent often are the first to notice your toddler is not behaving as other toddlers or has not reached a developmental milestone.

Having a loving, stable and responsive relationship is fundamental to your toddler’s development.

The more experiences your toddler has with you there to support them, the more your toddler grows and thrives.

When your toddler feels safe and attached to you, your toddler is more likely to have the confidence to explore their world. Playing with your toddler strengthens your relationship and encourages your toddler to explore, observe, experiment and solve problems.

You as a parent often are the first to notice your toddler is not behaving as other toddlers or has not reached a developmental milestone. Seek advice from the Child Health Line on 02 – 419 4983 your toddler:

  • Is not crawling
  • Is unable to stand without support
  • Loses skills once had
  • Doesn’t point
  • Doesn’t say simple words


If you have any concerns with your child’s development, you can find out more by accessing the Early Childhood Authority’s website at www.eca.gov.ae or contact the Child Health Line on 024194983. Operated by Mubadala Health (available 10:00 am -18:00 pm).


This initiative is a collaboration between the Early Childhood Authority, Mubadala and Mubadala Health

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  1. I’m very satisfied with what I have read about babies development and I will definitely be using the tips I got from it, thank you.

  2. I’m very satisfied with what I have read about babies development and I will definitely be using the tips I got from it, thank you.