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Area of Our Focus
Who we are
We oversee the Early Childhood Development sector in Abu Dhabi with a mind that is committed to the highest standards and young children at the heart of all we do.
Our Role
We promote collaboration to help all of Abu Dhabi’s young children flourish.
We broaden the capabilities of our partners to support holistic child development.
We develop coordinated and aligned policies and laws.
Knowledge Hub
We inform decision-making through research, data and evidence.
We transform how people think about and address the needs of young children.
Abu Dhabi's Early Childhood Development Strategy for 2035
Design a dedicated process for ECD-related policy and legislation development that is proactive, iterative, participatory, evidence-based and has strong enforcement and implementation components. In addition, review and adjust current policies and legislation and issue new policies or legislation as required to fill existing ECD-related gaps, promote high-quality services and strong child outcomes.
The inspiration behind our logo
Our logo is also inspired by the typeface created by Nasri Khattar in the 1950s. He created it as a way to help make the Arabic language more accessible and easier to learn and won a Nobel Prize for this effort.
- Aware of surroundings and safely participates in community life
Safe From Harm and Danger
- Protected from sexual abuse
- Free from hazards in their physical environment
- Protected from physical abuse, neglect, violence, and exploitation
- Protected from psychological neglect and abuse