Voice of the Child

The voice of the Child ” is a community initiative launched by the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority to set up an consultative group bringing together some of Abu Dhabi’s parents and children. It aims to constantly enhance interaction with parents and children, enable them gain a better understanding of challenges they face, discuss ECD-related topics, and ensure the voice of every child in Abu Dhabi is heard.


Initiative Objectives:


  • Better understand needs and challenges facing Abu Dhabi’s parents, children.
  • Recognize views and suggestions of the council’s members regarding ECA’s initiatives.
  • Recognize views of community members in different regions of Abu Dhabi by maintaining a constant dialogue with parents and children members of the council.
  • Boost members’ role in raising public awareness about early childhood development as ECA’s ambassadors.


Consultative Group Members:


  • The consultative group will consist of 12 eligible parents residing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (four parents from each of Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra), and six children aged 5-8 years old. The council will be restructured every two years.


Joining Conditions:


  • Parents of children aged 0-8 years old
  • Live in UAE for 5+ years
  • Humbleness and personal excitement about ECD
  • Ability to “move” and connect with people
  • Pragmatic and solution/ impact-oriented approach


Member Selection Criteria:

Selecting the group members will be based on the following criteria:


  • Level of Education
  • Family Sizes
  • Socio-economic Status
  • Gender mix (50% male, 50% female)
  • Half of members are nationals and the other half are expatriates
  • One parent of children of determination
  • A lottery will be conducted for eligible candidates to select the council members.


Members Role:


  • Attend quarterly gathering and assist in preparing materials for the group meetings
  • Propose solutions and thoughts on various topics discussed during the group meetings
  • Raise public awareness about the importance of early childhood development
  • Contribute to accomplishing various community-related project.
  • Volunteer to be parent/child ‘testers’ in any new ECA initiatives – 4 per year maximum
  • Content review/Engagement in ECA’s Parent-platform – 4 hours per month




  • Annual Recognition
  • Highlight members’ contributions and work outputs
  • Publish member profiles on Parent-platform and establish them as ‘key’ voices/ambassadors of Abu Dhabi in ECA


Note: This volunteer work falls within the social responsibility programs 



To join the initiative, please click here 

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