Follow your Child’s Development
Please find a selection of articles on child development and parenting for 12 and 18 months old children below. If you have any questions or concerns with your child’s development, contact the Child Health Line on 024194983 Operated by Mubadala Health (available 10:00 am -18:00 pm).
This initiative is a collaboration between the Early Childhood Authority, Mubadala and Mubadala Health
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33 people found this helpful
Useful and valuable information on the developmental milestones and what to look for (both what the child is and is not doing). Helpful information. Thanks for the excellent play tips!
It was very helpful and i extremely appreciated
Very helpful
Very important information
Thank you for the information
Thank you
Thank you
ساهم هذا المقال بإثراء معلوماتي حول كيفية التعامل مع الطفل 18 شهر و وجدت الإفادة بنصائح اللعب مع الطفل و أهميتها خصوصا مع مشاغل الحياة اليومية ومتابعة أطفال في عمر المدرسة وخلال ذلك اللعب نتمكن من متابعة تطور نمو الطفل
This is a very informative website for parents.
Helpful to all parents.more knowledge and awarenes to each parent in raising their kids.
Very useful, amazing article
It is wonderful informations
The article helped me understand my daughter’s behavior
We need guideline for new mothers that has tricks of raising their children. It shall include also the beneficial activities for the kids and their parents within Abu Dhabi and the locations of those places.
Thanks for help
It’s very useful for the new mom’s 👌